Public Safety

The District partners with Harris County Precinct 5 Constable’s Office to provide proactive, high visibility patrol and response to the tenants, patrons and residents of the area to effectively reduce crime and improve the quality of life. The Constable’s Office attends to the specific needs of The District which supplements regular law enforcement coverage from the City of Houston.

Common Crime

Break-ins to motor vehicles are one of the more common crimes in the city of Houston and the Memorial Management District is no exception.

Keep all items out of sight, either take property with you or lock items in your trunk, even items you are sure no one would steal; keep the passenger area clear of loose items when leaving the car.

Crime Prevention for Businesses

Call the District at 713-984-8737 to set up a crime prevention survey of your business or apartment residence in the District. Our trained officers will be happy to work with you to improve the security and safety of your business, commercial center or apartment complex.

A successful workplace public safety and crime prevention program includes a commitment by property owners to provide and promote:

  • A safe working environment free from violence
  • Workplace violence policies and procedures
  • An effective comprehensive and visible security plan
  • Taking an interest in your own personal safety. Be aware of your surroundings and the people in your surroundings
  • Developing a maintenance schedule to keep your security systems, lighting, gates and fences, etc. in proper working order.

See below for specific crime prevention resources from the City of Houston.

  • Robbery Prevention for Retail Businesses English | Spanish | Vietnamese
  • Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
  • Burglary Prevention
  • Parking Lot Security Tips
  • Business Alarms

Safe Shopping Tips

1. Don't leave valuables in an unoccupied vehicle. It's said time and time again, but car burglary is a crime of opportunity. Most often the victims of vehicle burglaries had left their vehicles unsecured or a valuable item inside the vehicle. Value is in the eye of the beholder, what may not be valuable to you may be worth the risk to a criminal. Also, remember to take your key fob with you, as most modern cars have remote entry features that rely on the presence of the fob.

2. Photograph the boxes of items you purchase. Keeping track of item models and serial numbers may seem unnecessary, but as we saw with Hurricane Harvey, there are a multitude of reasons to document your property, such as theft, flood or loss. Before you toss the box this holiday season, snap a picture of the model and serial number. Then, remember to break down boxes - electronics packaging is a great advertisement for thieves.

3. Share your location. There are a multitude of phone apps that keep us more in the loop than ever before. Before you and your loved ones go out for the night, on a trip, or to the mall, have a plan in place to know where everyone is. Many people use smart phone features such as Share My Location to let loved ones know where they are and, most importantly, that they are safe.

4. Look for the "S". Another tech tip for the holiday is to look at the website URL when purchasing an item online. If the URL does not start with https:// (emphasis on the “s”) then the site may not be secure. If you ever are in doubt about a website’s security, try calling the store to verify, or head out to a local retailer. More often than not, retailers will match online pricing so you don't have to worry about compromising your information.

5. When in doubt, call it out. Sometimes we see things that make us go, "Hmm..." If you're ever in doubt of your security or the well-being of someone else, don't hesitate to call the authorities. Listed below are the non-emergency numbers for all of the local law enforcement entities in our area. We'd rather you call and not need us than need us and not call us!

Helpful Contacts

Dial 9-1-1 to report an emergency

Contact Us

9821 Katy Freeway, Suite 170
Houston, TX 77024

Office: 713-984-8737
Fax: 281-884-3552

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